.... and it's time to start painting again.
Check out what I've been working on at www.MotherStillExpecting.com Check back here to see how I feel about things. Check out how much I love my Kiddo, Dotty Mo. Check out how I lost all my sadness and pregnancy weight and dropped the dead weight of shitty people. Check out how I've quit smoking. Check out how excited I am to start painting again. Make the energy/Find the time.
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So... some of you might know that I dabble with the musics. I pick up a guitar when I'm trying to distract myself from painting, while paint is drying, and when I'm alone. I write little songs I call ''poem tunes'' cuz sometimes there's just a few lines of rhyme and sentiment and then we move on. So... some of you might know that I have incredible stage fright/performance anxiety. I have played a handful of times in public in the last few years and I attribute most of my anxiety to forcing myself to play in public when I was first starting out... in the wrong clubs... to the wrong people... at the wrong time. Now I break out in hives, I start sweating, I lost my hand strength, and sometimes I can't breathe. So... some of you might know that I have secret soundcloud accounts where I store my poem tunes for posterity. I don't want to forget my words or forget the moments of those words so I record them on my shitty little smartphones and store them in the sound cloud. I've gotten a little more gadgety over time... as in, I now have an iPhone and iPad with garage band. I don't own a microphone... and my 'Tar isn't a plug-in... and I just make do. So... some of you might know that I did a NPR thing recently. I don't know if other band folk are half as shocked at his or her or their participation in this as I am, but I AM. Not only did I play my guitar and sing in my tiny basement apartment in the middle of the day where people can hear me, I learned how to overlay the audio and edit video and make an intro and etc etc etc (insert Yul Brynner's King of Siam voice here). Not only did I make a video... I actually followed through... and sent the shit in. I mean, I posted it on youtube for the world to see... and sent the link! I even recorded a second video and found myself torn between the two!!! What the heck-o-la, Mallory Kate??? Who is this new easy, breezy, beautiful, clothed camera girl??? So that's where my heart has been the last week. Wrapped up in this new moment of wanting to share my poem tunes with people. Heck, I could even play in public if I won I'm pretty sure. Let's not get ahead of ourselves ;) Thanks for everything, friends. So, here we go. Sharing here as well, I give you: Mallory Kate's Star Wars Love Song there's always some part of a portrait that talks back like a little shit kid in the middle of a shit-show circus. there's always some element that, if it were only on point, would read the whole face perfectly. you spend three paint sessions getting the layout, the proportion, the angles, the colors and tones and everything just right and then there's the fourth session. the make or break moment.
that's when you find the argument. you spend hour on each separate element of the face. the left eye. the size. the shadows. the highlights. the crease above. arch of the brow. same with the right and their relation to each other. the nose. the bridge. the contours. the nostrils. the mouth. the bow. the shadows. the creases. all these elements should add up to a harmonized face. so rarely they do. one fucking thing.... two fucking things.... three fucking things...(ahhh ahhh ahhhh) are always off. in the case of jill, i have no idea. it's her, but it's not her. IT'S HER BUT IT'S NOT HER!! the shape of the mouth, the title of the head, the chin, the strength in the nose....all argue to me. there's also a disagreement in the tilt of her shoulder where her hand doesn't read in proportion because the crook in her elbow is hidden by the wand. i feel like i took a chance leaving the natural color tones behind and using the more veridian/green/cream tones. i took a chance making her portrait so large that it consumed most of the canvas. i've got less than three weeks to finish and frame this shit. time to stock up on coffee, cigarettes, white wine, and new music. eye twitch, engage. |
Mallory Mishlerwhere i'll post the in's, out's, tween's, and twixt's of my world of art mixed with pictures, links, opinions, and rants. (oh, and curse words. lots of curse words) Archives
September 2018