A one-night art exhibit and entertainment extravaganza from your artist and Burner friends just across the state line, to benefit the Control Tower, a new Burning Man project by International Arts Megacrew.
Hyde Spot, 125 Hyde St., San Francisco, 6pm to 2am., Sat., June 15th, , 2013, $10 Mob Seen! Reno Art Mob at Hyde Spot June 15th, 6pm Hey Bay Area art fans! It's a road trip without the road! (But it'll sure be a trip!) A core contingent of Reno's creative community is coming to San Francisco! Join Reno Art Mob, an ever-growing band of brash, buoyant artists (16 strong, morphing like amoebas and propagating like bunnies) for a one-night extravaganza, of art, entertainment, and general mayhem, Reno-style. Reno is a veritable powder factory of creative output, and we're fixing to show you what we've got, from neon to knitting, hard-boiled portraits to velvety-royal costume finery, and just about everything in between. Come see! While your eyeballs and eardrums feast on all this fabulousness, you'll also be helping International Arts Megacrew raise funds for The Control Tower, a very cool Burning Man project. They're the Reno-based team that brought The Temple of Transition to Burning Man 2011. Reno Art Mob Founder and Curator Ryan Ostler says, "I'm excited to see some Reno talent and energy in the Bay. This show reflects the DIY/collective spirit that we have here. We're a city without a big infrastructure for emerging artists, so we've done what people in the Wild West have always done: We built it ourselves! Now let's get this show on the road and go meet the neighbors!" Reno Art Mob includes the likes of Mae Mae, Bryce Chisholm, Jeff Johnson, Arthur Richmond, Mallory Mishler, Killbuck, Joe C Rock, Kelly Ogilvie, Eric Santti, Ryan Ostler, Pan Pantoja, Dog, Matt Schultz, Colin O’Brian, Ashley Drake, Boomie Meredith, Spoken Views Collective, and films by Reno Black Box Theater. ---that's right, folks. me. my stuff. in san francisco. voila!
oh goodness. if it's not one thing... it's another. if it's not your day job... it's your day duties. i find myself fantasizng between bussing tables and post-shift beer imbibing about a time in my future where this day won't exist. this day where i wake up early to get into work early to run around like a restaurant chicken and be exhausted by 5pm and in bed by 9pm. i find myself fantasizing about the day where i wake early only to sip perfectly creamed coffee in my studio... where i get to paint what makes me tick ALL DAY until my back can take no more...into the wee hours of the morning... to be blissfully repeated the next dawn. where i get to choose the jobs i keep and the ones i discard. where i seriously don't need the money. where i can't pick up the phone because i'm honestly fucking busy. where the music is loud and uninterrupted. where this city embraces me and the country demands my work. where the museum writes me and knows me by my first name. and then i'm brought back to 9:22pm and simply nestled by the assurance that i don't have to hit the grind until 6pm tomorrow and i've got all morning to let the fantasies, the dreams, and all the other things that live in my head out to stretch their legs, run the grounds, and play.... until they need to be caged yet again. so the long and short of it...is i didn't get it. no ireland. no residency. no nada. a few more rejection letters to add to the mounting pile.
you think i'd be used to it by now. in other news, i painted the set for nevada opera's don giovanni. 1000sq ft in six days extremely under budgeted by my own doing. "first one's free," right, dave? right. that was a fucking lesson. never learned anything so much the cracked out hard way in my life. sheesh. needless to say, i got it done. it looked alright. i was thankful to be asked and i'll be shocked if i ever do anything like that again. so what's the next thing i'm waiting for? to hear back from sierra art's artist grant application. if i can get the green ($$$), i can paint the sistine. ...or something like that. |
Mallory Mishlerwhere i'll post the in's, out's, tween's, and twixt's of my world of art mixed with pictures, links, opinions, and rants. (oh, and curse words. lots of curse words) Archives
September 2018